Driving Your Success Through Smart Online Marketing.

  • More customers and sales with your existing budget

  • Full transparency about the results

  • Best winning strategies to keep your competitive edge

As a reliable partner, I can help your company generate more customers and sales with Google Ads. After more than 5 years as a Google Ads Manager and more than $2.1 million in managed advertising budgets, I can quickly recognize where you need to make adjustments to get more out of your budget.

– I am Thimo Hofner and I have Clicks in Mind.

More customers and sales

Use the full power of search engine advertising to reach more customers who are already searching for your products and services. Already running Google Ads? With the right optimizations, you can achieve even more with the same budget.

Reliable Google Ads partner

Especially in online marketing, a strong and trustworthy expert is invaluable. Processes can be difficult to understand and some players take advantage of this. That’s why openness and transparency are my top priorities.

Keep your competitive edge

The digital world and Google Ads in particular are changing rapidly. Strategies that work today may waste your budget tomorrow. As an expert at your side, I will help you find new ways to stay one step ahead of your competition.

Whether you are already running Google ads or just starting: I can support you. As a Google Ads expert, I create customized campaigns, optimize your current campaigns or manage your entire account.

Why are Google Ads so powerful?

With Google Ads, you can show ads exactly when potential customers are actively searching for your products or services. The variety of ad formats such as display, video and of course search ads allows you to communicate your message in different ways and optimally address your target audience.

What is the risk of non-optimized Google Ads?

There is a risk that the ad budget is used for the wrong keywords or target groups. This can result in high costs without your company having any benefit from it.

Are you already running Google Ads? In a free account audit, I will review how you can achieve even better results.

  • Without any obligation

  • Top 3 optimization opportunities

  • Free expert tips

About me

Hi, my name is Thimo Hofner. I have been working in online marketing as a Google Ads Manager for more than 5 years, either as an employee in an agency or as a freelancer. I have a great passion for all means to reach people on the internet. For this reason, I have gained experience in many areas of digital marketing and acquired a broad knowledge and understanding before specializing in Google Ads.


  • Google Ads / SEA: The possibilities of Google Ads have fascinated me from the very beginning. Through many courses, further training and above all, working with many different clients, I have mastered the best strategies to succeed with Google Ads.

Further Services

  • Tracking and web analytics

  • Dashboard reporting

  • Creation and optimization of websites

  • Meta Ads (Facebook & Instagram)

  • Native Advertising (Outbrain & Taboola Ads)

Further services

Web Analytics & Reporting with Google Analytics, Piwik PRO or Matomo

Web analytics is one of the most important parts of online marketing. All decisions should be made on the basis of data. I help you with the technical setup and the creation of reports and dashboards. This way, you can easily keep an eye on your KPIs and make informed decisions.

Why are web analytics so important?

Web analytics allow you to understand the behavior and interactions of your visitors on your website. You get valuable data on traffic sources, visitor flows, conversion rates and much more. This information serves as the basis for optimizing your online strategy and enables you to maximize the success of your marketing activities.

What is the challenge with web analytics?

With increasingly strict privacy laws, the correct technical setup of tracking is an ever-growing challenge. The implementation must ensure that a reliable database is created, while also protecting user privacy at the same time.

Which web analytics tools do I use?

  • Google Analytics

  • Piwik PRO

  • Matomo

  • Google Tag Manager

Website Conversion Optimization

Do you want to tap the full potential of your website and turn visitors into paying customers? With my expertise in conversion optimization, I am at your side. I analyze user behavior, identify stumbling blocks in the conversion process and develop targeted measures to increase the conversion rate of your website.

What is the goal of conversion optimization?

A high number of visitors alone is not enough if these visitors do not become customers. Through an optimized user experience, appealing content and clear calls to action, I make sure that visitors to your website become customers.

The danger of low conversion rates

An insufficient conversion rate means that potential customers are lost and your company loses money. Don’t waste potential and avoid losing valuable visitors due to an unoptimized website.

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